
Gabi Gray – Kicked Cancer

Posted on September 19, 2017 BY Dynamo/Dash Content Mrktg

After leaving the soccer field in November of 2015, Gabi has finally made her official return to the soccer field. She played in her first tournament in mid August. Our emotions were all over the place.  As parents we were nervous, Gabi …well she just simply beamed.  This survivor with a completely reconstructed right chest wall was out there kicking and throwing elbows like cancer never happened.  It will still take time for her strength, stamina and speed to improve, but she’s on her way!


“As her coach for close to five years, initially everyone was so sad when she was diagnosed with cancer.  I’m so proud to have been part of this girls miraculous recovery.  Her strength, commitment, love for life, belief and overall determination to overcome cancer is so admirable.  Now she’s back stronger than ever playing the game she truly loves with Dash 02 West.” Ivan Ruddle, Head Team Coach, Dash 02 West. 


“I feel extremely grateful to just get back to a normal life. I was determined throughout treatment to eventually get back to the soccer field with my friends. My friends and soccer coach will never know how much their support meant to me in my recovery.”  Gabi Gray, Dash 02 West.



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